Clinical governance

Clinical governance    

Clinical governance is the process of managing the quality of the therapists’ clinical work and Quality Protects Children (QPC) regards it as an essential element in its ethical system. Just as Safeguarding Policy and Staff Code of Conduct provide the basis for safe working with children, the purpose of clinical governance is to safeguard the effectiveness of the therapeutic work. QPC, therefore, has a comprehensive clinical governance policy outlining all elements of our approach to ensure the highest practice and ethical standards. The policy focuses on 14 core elements and overarching themes to effective governance covering leadership, multi-disciplinary work, and staff training. 

QPC’s Multi-disciplinary Team

Since QPC’s inception, 16 years ago, we have sought to both deliver a truly multi-disciplinary service and

to working collaboratively with local services, such as CAMHS. It is recognised that many services are both stretched and not always designed to meet the unique needs of young people in care.

QPC is committed to providing our young people with a truly holistic and integrated package of support that fits around their unique needs. Should the initial assessment indicate that further input from other professionals is needed, we have established a range of professional associates within the field of physical health, mental health and education, which include: Clinical and Educational Psychologists, Paediatricians, Child, and Adolescent Psychiatrists, Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists and Play Therapists.

All the clinicians are insured, access regular supervision of their practice, and are registered with their respective professional bodies.

Training and development

QPC is committed to increasing the levels of staff team’s professional awareness of the impact of trauma, abuse or neglect on mental health by providing them with training in the areas of child development and mental health. The training and development of staff will be delivered by a combination of in-house and external national and international experts.

To achieve this goal a QPC facilitates a rigorous development programme that involves the provision of evidence-based practice. This includes training in the following areas:

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
  • Anxiety disorders (e.g. Panic Disorder, Generalised Anxiety Disorder, PTSD and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
  • Attachment Disorders
  • Depression