Therapeutic Intervention
We understand at QPC that important as the direct work with young people is, it is equally important that the staff team are supported in offering a therapeutic environment so that therapeutic work is supported and enhanced within their home life. We, therefore, focus our energies on the staff team (training, supervision, consultation, and multi-disciplinary coordination) as well as with working with young people directly (assessment, formulation, individual and gap work).
Children at QPC receive therapeutic support in a range of ways depending on their individual need. The following therapeutic interventions are based on the findings of the clinical assessment and subsequent psychological formulation:
- Psychological Consultation
- Training
- Group Therapy / Interventions
- Individual / Direct Therapy
- Psychological Consultation
It is recognised that all children in care need to live in an environment where they feel safe and understood. The principles of developing healthy attachments, acting as a good parent and permanency form the bedrock of our philosophy of care at QPC. Following an assessment, the psychological formulation of the child is fed back to the staff team by way of consultation. The staff team members are encouraged to be active agents in this process and in doing so develop a sense of ownership over the intervention plan. This ‘top-down’ and ‘bottom-up’ dynamic increases dialogue between the clinical and residential team and reduces staff burn-out and splitting.
2. Training
In addition to mandatory training, residential staff receive additional training on a range of topics that relate to mental health and neurodevelopmental development. Bespoke training packages have also been developed for staff to support them to address the unique needs of the children in their care.
The direct work delivered by QPC with the young people will include direct therapy and the delivery of preparatory work needed prior to any further specialised therapy undertaken to focus on specific trauma and events within their life.
3. Group Therapy
QPC, has in partnership with colleagues from the USA working in the field of the impact of multiple trauma on young people, piloted and implemented SPARCS as a therapeutic model for group living.
4. Direct Therapy
Direct therapy is provided on a needs-led basis and is delivered by members of the clinical team under the supervision of our Clinical Psychotherapist includes: CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy); EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing Therapy); Narrative Therapy and Person-Centred Counselling.
The professionals supporting the child are kept informed on a regular basis regarding the child’s therapeutic progress. The clinical team liaises regularly with residential and educational staff to ensure that the direct therapy is having a tangible impact on the child’s presentation within the home and school environment.