SEND Inclusion

The reality is that many young people living in children’s homes have not had the best educational experience, sometimes leading to low expectations and views of their capability including needs identified through an Education Health Care Plan. Lawrence House School aims to address fully those gaps and deficits in a young person’s education and aspires to make a real difference during each young person’s time with us.

Lawrence House School’s qualified and experienced SENCo, Fay Donnelly is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operation of the SEND policy with the aim of raising the achievement of students with special educational needs and disabilities.

Within the school, each student has a detailed Student Passports.. The Passports provide staff with an working document that enables them to gain an understanding of the needs of each student, from the voice of the student.  The Passport is used to outline a student’s key strengths, needs and the strategies and key adjustments to teaching that are needed every day to help engage students in a positive learning experience.

Our school SENCo, SLT and Learning Leads share responsibility for monitoring the progress of all targets for students.  This information is then used to guide future planning and support put in place.  The SENCo and Learning Leads liaise with teaching staff, house staff, managers, social workers, the virtual school head and local authority SEN departments to share regular updates. They also attend Personal Education Plan (PEP) meetings and Looked After Child (LAC) reviews and thus contributing to our multi-agency approach to supporting our young people with special needs.

In terms of identifying barriers to learning and developing strategies to support our students to overcome these barriers, the SENCo works closely with the the school Senior Leaders, teaching staff, TA’s, carers and In-house clinical team (Clinical Psychologist and Behavioral Analyst) to develop effective ways of ensuring all students can access a full broad and balanced curriculum that is tailored specifically to their individual needs, abilities, interests, and aspirations so that students have the opportunity to make progress, despite any difficulties they may face. When contributing to applications for Education, Health and Care Plans, the SENCo consults all professionals,  both inside the school and company and further afield to   collect information with regards to the specific areas of need: Communication and interaction, Cognition and learning, Social, Emotional and Mental Health and Sensory and/or physical needs.


Pupil Premium Log 21-22…/Pupil-Premium-21-22-website.pdf


Reports and policies: