Nzuri House

Learning Lead at Nzuri House =  Jenny Heath

Jenny has 8 years teaching experience from  working in a variety of  settings.  She has worked in mainstream education,  both primary and secondary settings. nurseries and adult education and private tuition.  Jenny is the school MFL & ESOL lead. Jenny is also the school Health and Well-being Ambassador.

Jenny is a PGCE Graduate with level 7 teaching French and Spanish in Secondary education.
She also has a BA Hons in French and Hispanic studies and Level 5 TEFL qualified. Jenny is currently working towards her PGDiploma in Language and Communication impairment on children.



The type of students who we educate at Nzuri are:

– Students for who English may be learnt as a second language
– Students who may be experiencing Post Traumatic Distress Disorder
– Students who may require additional support around their self-confidence and identity
– Students who may require support to make positive health and lifestyle choices
– Students who may require support to regulate their emotions